Posted in mental health

How to Prioritize Mental Health During Difficult Times

During difficult moments, mental health often takes the back seat. We tend to prioritize other things. However, we need to understand that, while physical safety and survival are important, mental health is equally vital as well.

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Posted in Health, Job/Career

Effective Ways to Deal with Mental Fatigue at Work

Mental fatigue at work can be overwhelming and can greatly affect anyone’s productivity as well as overall well-being. According to research the level of intensity and duration of a task are critical factors that increase the risk of mental fatigue leading to decreased performance. Therefore, it is necessary that you should take action in order to decrease the risk of mental fatigue, prevent burnout, and improve your productivity at work.

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Posted in Experience, Health, Job/Career

Supporting Employees’ Mental Health for Successful Return to Work

Mental health is a hot issue, and an important one at that. It affects a lot of people in the workplace. The impact of mental health problems in workplaces can be enormous. According to the World Health Organization, there is a rise of mental health issues for about 13% and is increasing in epidemiology worldwide.

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Posted in Health, Life

How to Break the Stigma When it Comes to Mental Health

Mental health is a common issue, which has become apparent and necessary during the pandemic. But it has been misunderstood and stigmatized by so many, which leaves everyone with mental health issue screaming in silence. The result could be mild to devastating. It can leave individuals feel shameful about their struggles, feel isolated, and misunderstood. When things become difficult and overwhelming, the devastation of the word ‘suicide’ cannot be undermined.

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